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I have to tell you sad news today. 25 May 2013.

Today, I heard May past away on this 15th January. I heard She had become bedridden for three days and at last she ended 17 year’s her life. Today, I was able to meet May’s family and Nyanta, a cat who was a chummy with May and her family told that. I asked Nyanta please live a long time instead of May and Nyanta said meow, he meant I had got it, maybe. I couldn’t stop help tearing at that time. Alittle while ago, I asked Kojiro holding that please mature his life slowly.


May, 17 years old lady and Nyanta. 19 Aug. 2012

May is 17 years old and she almost can’t see and can’t hear anything. Though her hind legs are physically disabled, she lives with all her energy. Nyanta used to be a stray cat, but he became attached to May’s house somehow and he lives in peace with May. He came up and rubbed itself against my legs. Thanks!