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At Sekigahara Waterside. 28 Sep. 2013

This is Yume. She is huggy and glomp me. This is Saurat. He is very friendly and plead to come to him with an appealing glance. Sorry for this unfocused photo. This is Suchang. She is also a good friend. This is Luekue. He is lively today too. This is Atom. He chews on me softly and ask me to play with him. This is Vos. He is friendly and calm to human. Atom and Vos are good friend each other. They shove each other playfully. This is Ricou. He is very shy and calm. This is Palau. She is very lively and the photo became unfocused. This is Daizu. He …


At Higashiyama Waterside. 14 Sep. 2013

This is Riku. He might got tired today, so he let me take his photos gently. Ricou, dachshund, is very interested in Riku. Ricou is very shy girl though. This is Luekue. Hey, Luekue, you arre too close!!! This is Suchang. Because she said “Don’t take my photo, Bow-wow!”, I took this shot only.


At Sekigahara Waterside. 20 Jul. 2013

Holmes, 6 year old boy. Azuki invited him saying “Join me!” and he answered “Yeah! Yeah!”. Konatsu. Sorry for this fated photo. Taiga. He is one of Kojiro’s favorite dogs. Pokey, 11 monghts old boy. Kojiro likes him too. Unfortunately, Suchang got the tumor and had it taken by operation. So, she is this appearance now. She also likes human! Luekue seemed to be so tired! Azuki was her own pace! But she still hated the camera! Burst shots of Kanbee. Rich expression! When I stroke the neighborhood of Kanbee’s head, he always becomes glad groaning with grr grr! So, it amazed me at first. Luke is a long time! …