At Futatsubashi Park. 9 Feb. 2014
Because snow remained in the road, we went for a walk near our home today. At Futatsubashi park side entrance of Seya ward office, on our way home from a walk. I have no idea who made this. Here is a flip-photos.
Because snow remained in the road, we went for a walk near our home today. At Futatsubashi park side entrance of Seya ward office, on our way home from a walk. I have no idea who made this. Here is a flip-photos.
This time, almost all photos were taken by my app “Fine Camera” for iPhone by using continuous shooting function and flip animations were also made by using “Fine Camera”. If you want to look at the animation, in the case of Windows, it would be better to move a mouse on the photo and click right button, then select “Open a new Window”. In the case of Mac, it would be better to move a mouse on the photo and click the photo with pushing control button, then select “Open a new Window”. Try and enjoy them! At Futatsubashi Park Long time no see, Ein. This is a flip animation of …
At Higashiyama Waterside He is Kojiro who tries to smell Sakura’s hips. Sakura’s brrr… and Kojiro is gazing at it. These are source photos of Sakura’s brrr….. The flip-photos were made of these photos. This is also Sakura’s flip-photos. This is one of the photos. Because she usually moves about freely, this is very precious looking-into-the-camera photo. Sakura’s flip-photos again. This is Hokky and she closed her eyes by chance. So cute, right? Yume is full energy today too! This is Yume’s flip-photos. Another photo and flip-photos of Yume. At Futatsubashi Park This is Mocha. His flip-photos are like this.
At Higashiyama Waterside This is Angie. She took a walk with her guardians like dad and mam. At Futatsubashi Park This is Chocolat. I bought oranges while out for a walk and I gave some sections of an orange. He ate them with keen relish. This is Mocha. When I tried to give a section of an orange, he growled me. This is Genki. When I played with him, he wore the face which seems to be very glad.
At Futatsubashi South Park This is Chopper. We were able to meet him after a long time. He was interested in Kojiro. At Futatsubashi Park This is Genki. He lay down on his back and urged me to stroke him. This is Mocha. Still, he doesn’t get used to us.
At Futatsubashi Park This is Goten. Kojiro likes Goten very much and he urged him to play with from himself unusually again, but Goten came out staggeringly. At Higashiyama Waterside This is Kintaro. He doesn’t look at my camera. This is Suchang. She likes to play with a ball very much. This is Angie. She is very friendly and likes being stroked! This is Saku. His guardian and he take a walk friendly. At Sekigahara Waterside This is Atom. Unlike appearance, he barks in very lovely voice. This is Riku. He is smashing energy today! He is wagging the tail with remarkable rapidity. This is Bel, 6 month old boy. …
At Futatsubashi Park These are Collot(Pomeranian) and Kojiro. Kojiro was able to play with Collot just for a moment. These are also Collot. I adjusted exposure to Collot’s black coat on these photos. At Futatsubashi South Park This is Mocha. He didn’t gnar us today. Good boy! This is Chip. You are as good as gold! At Higashiyama Waterside This is Tetsu. Although his guardian said he rarely wagged his tail, he wagged his tail at us. Unfortunately, he didn’t wear his “Tetsu’s apron” today. This is Angie. She gazed at a snack pinched by her guardian. I am glad as she is growing quickly, even if she is hearing …
This is Mocha. He is comfortable in his guardian’s arm! This is Genki. He is very friendly and huggy as usual. This is Chocolat. Thanks, Chocolat, for going for a walk with my Kojiro! Marsh, 12 year old lady and this is first appearance for her. Though she was cautious about us at first, we got chummy with her within no time. This is Buju, 12 year old lady and this is first appearance for her too. She lives with Marsh. So, these are their nice two-shots! Today’s last turn is Berry, 2 year old girl. This is first appearance for her. Because she is so young and darts here …
At Futatsubashi Park This is Genki. He lies on his back and becomes huggy. He also pressed me to stroke him. This is Mocha. He is comfortable beneath his guardian’s feet. At Futatsubashi South Park This is Saurat (Golden Retriever). This is 2nd appearance for her. She became 10 years old. I closed my eyes inadvertently! At Sekigahara Waterside This is Kintaro. He and Kojiro smell each other. Make friends! This is Riku. Portrait only, today. This is Yume. She sprang upon me and licked my face fully today also. At Sekigahara Waterside This is Kanbee. This is Taiga. It seems that he is curious about other dogs very much. …
At Futatsubashi Park This is Mocha. He was embraced by his guardian and calm, today. This is Genki. He also pressed me to stroke him as usual. At Higashiyama Waterside This is Sakura. We saw her after all this time. She should become 2 year old on upcoming December. Her guardian said her weight was 3.8kg and she ate so little somehow. At Sekigahara Waterside This is Kanbee. His eyes He has begun to lose strength in his eyes recently. GOOD LUCK! We also met Hooky, Macaroon, Lucky, Chiffon and Yuri. Because it was dark, I couldn’t take any photo.