How beneficial?

In what kind of case, is this How beneficial Calc convenient?

For example, when you know the list price and the sales price, bur you want to know the discount ratio (%) and actual saved cost.

Or, when you know the list price and discount ratio (%), but you want to know actual sales price and saved cost.

Or, when you know the sales price and discount ratio (%), but you want to know actual list price and saved cost.

In these cases, this How Beneficial Calx provide you with answer promptly.

For example, when the list price is $389 and the sales price is $280 like the first case,

Touch [List Price] input field.

Then, numeric keyboard appeas.

Input 388 from the numeric keyboard.

Next, touch [Sales Price] input field and input 280 from numeric keyboard.

Lastly, push [Excute] button in the middle.

Then, answer “28.02% discount. $109 save.” appears.

Next case, for example, when the list price is $389 and discount ratio is 35%, input 389 to [List Price] input field and 35 to [Discount(%)] input field.

Lastly, push [Excute] button in the middle.

Then, answere “$252.85 is the sales price. $136.15 save.” appears.

And next, like third case, for example, when the sales price is $180 and discount ratio is 45%, input 180 to [Sales Price] input field and 45 to [Discount(%)] input field.

Lastly, push [Excute] button in the middle.

Then, answere “List price. $327.27.” appears.

If you want to share the result, push button in the bottom right corner (there is an arrow inside).

Then, you can share the result with mail and Twitter or you can store the result on your calender.

If you select “Facebook”, you can share the result in your timeline of your Facebook page.

If you select “Tweet”, you can tweet with the result of the calculation.