With which SNS or Cloud, would you like to share your photos?
At photo screen, it became possible to share a photo with Instagram, LINE, Tumblr, etc and store the photo on Dropbox, Evernote, etc directly!
At camera roll screen, if you push “Edit” button, it also became possible to open Photos, iPhone bundled app by Apple, or Google+ and so on.
So, it became easy to delete unnecessary photos and share multiple photos with them.
A site named “AppPicker” ran an article about the review result of Fine Camera.
A site named “AppPicker” ran an article about the review of Fine Camera.
A site named “Appliv” ran an article about the review result of Fine Camera.
A site named “Appliv” ran an article about the review result of Fine Camera in Japanese.
A blog named “iPhone Lab” ran an article about the review result of Fine Camera.
A blog named “iPhone Lab” ran an article about the review result of Fine Camera in Japanese.
Fine Camera V1.10 for iPhone was released.
You can see your flip photos on this app.
Fine Camera V1.10 for iPhone is now available at iTunes App Store. So, check it out!
The following new functions were added.
Displaying flip photos is available at the camera roll and each photo screen.
The duration of a flip photo is set by the duration configuration at the menu screen.
The following bugs were fixed.
When photo effect and front camera was used, sometimes aspect ratio of the screen was modified.
Several minor bugs.
Fine Camera V1.01 for iPhone was released.
Fine Camera V1.01 for iPhone is now available at iTunes App Store. So, check it out!
The following modification was made.
When this application returns from a selected photo to camera roll, it doesn’t always display the last photo but selected photo position in the camera roll.
The following bugs were fixed.
- When this application returns to the foreground, sometimes camera input doesn’t display correctly.
- When this application returns to the foreground, grid and a portion of level meter disappear.
- When this application returns from the background, config screen and camera roll, the wallpaper appears incorrectly.
- Several minor bugs.
Fine Camera V1.0 for iPhone was released.
Fine Camera V1.0 for iPhone is now available at iTunes App Store. So, check it out!